1 John (Jack) McCormick. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
2 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
3 McCormick’s on the left. There are several of these photos. It looks like playing for the camera on the obstacle course. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
4 McCormick’s on the left. There are several of these photos. It looks like playing for the camera on the obstacle course. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
5 Looks like graduation. Pictures in the album after these were from England. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
6 "Camp Claiborne La." [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
7 Looks like graduation. Pictures in the album after these were from England. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
8 Looks like graduation. Pictures in the album after these were from England. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
9 Looks like graduation. Pictures in the album after these were from England. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
10 Unlabeled, but McCormick’s on our right this time. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
11 Unlabeled, but McCormick’s on our right this time. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
12 Unlabeled, but McCormick is second from the right. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
13 “Paul Parsons, Ed Knauf” (the girl is not identified) [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
14 “Young, Krol, Jack” (McCormick) [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
15 Unlabeled, but McCormick’s on the left. Probably still England. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
16 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
17 “Don Prahl” (not sure on last name and I don’t find anything close in the roster). This is from an area of the album with photos from Belgium. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
18 Unlabeled. McCormick is standing on the left with his hand on the flag. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
19 Camp Claiborne (McCormick is on our left). [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
20 Germany 1945 [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
21 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
22 Not a great picture, one of the few of a Greyhound [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
23 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
24 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
25 Germany 1945 [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
26 Unknown. It’s pretty blurry, but I think they were too. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
27 I’m pretty sure that’s McCormick standing in the center. I can’t see his face, but that’s how Dad stood. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
28 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
29 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
30 "McCormick, Bennett, Christie, Worthington, Swanson, Boyko, Colucci, DiResta, Grasso, Kaletsky, Steen" [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
31 "Lt. Col. Davisson CO. Boys Who received silver star" [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.] Note: Soldiers identified by corresponding photographs in the Olson Photo Album. Sgt Anderson is in the middle; Sgt Doran is on the right.
32 "France 1944 McClory, McCormick, Thatch, Piper, Wynne, King, Barnes" [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
33 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
34 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
35 "Joe Usher England 1944" [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
36 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]
37 Unknown. [Photo courtesy of John McCormick, Jr.]